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NEO Charter

I. Name

The name of this association shall be the Northwestern Emeriti Organization (NEO).


II. Mission

The mission of NEO is to advocate for the interests of emeriti, provide stimulating intellectual and social opportunities for emeriti, and to strengthen ties between emeriti, the University and local communities.


III. Membership Eligibility

Persons are eligible for membership on the basis of their inclusion in any one of the following three categories:

  1. Northwestern faculty who have been awarded an Emeritus title by action of the Northwestern University Board of Trustees.
  2. Those retired senior administrative staff and others who, upon a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Council, are invited to become members.
  3. Following the death of a member of the association, the surviving spouse/partner shall become a courtesy member of the association without a vote but otherwise entitled to the benefits of the organization


IV. Membership Procedures

Any person in the above categories shall be included on the NEO membership rosters and receive official NEO communications as long as the person informs the NEO or the Office of the Provost, either by letter or email, of the person’s contact information (mailing and/or email address) and pays annual dues (if any).


V. Officers

The officers of the NEO shall be a President, a Vice President (who also is President-Elect), a Secretary and a Treasurer.  The President shall serve a one-year term and the Vice President (President-Elect), who also serves a one-year term, shall become President the following year.  The Secretary shall be elected for a two-year term that starts in even-numbered years.  The Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term that starts in odd-numbered years.  The Secretary and the Treasurer are each eligible to serve one additional two-year term.

The President exercises supervision of the NEO and all of its activities. The President presides over meetings of the members and of the Executive Council. With the Executive Council, the President establishes the dates and agendas of meetings of the organization. The President appoints one or more nominating committees annually and such other committees as deemed necessary with the approval of a majority of the members of the Executive Council. The President is responsible for representing the NEO publicly and for its communications with the University administration. The Vice President (president-elect) assumes the office of the President in case of absence or inability to serve. In the event of a vacancy in any other office, or in the membership of the Executive Council, the Executive Council will elect a member to fill the vacancy.

The President and Vice President (president-elect) work together to assure a smooth transition in the NEO’s leadership and programming. The Secretary serves as the recording and corresponding officer and custodian of NEO records in cooperation with the Provost’s Office. The Treasurer supervises the collection, safekeeping and expenditure of all NEO funds and the keeping of accurate financial records in cooperation with University offices.  An elaboration of duties of officers holding such titles shall be as prescribed by Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition.


VI. Executive Council

The Executive Council shall consist of (a) the four officers, (b) the immediate past president, (c) six additional members, three of whom shall be elected annually by the membership for two-year terms, with eligibility to serve one additional two-year term, and (d) the NEO representative to the Faculty Senate and the editor of the NEO Newsletter, both of whom shall be elected by vote of the 11 Executive Council members listed above and shall serve co-terminously with their service in those positions. Each person on the Executive Council shall have one vote.  A quorum shall consist of a majority of such persons. In addition, the Provost of the University, or a person designated by the Provost, is an ex-officio member of the NEO and of the Executive Council without a vote.  In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Council, the remaining members of the Council shall select a successor by majority vote who shall serve for the unexpired term.  The Executive Council is to schedule meetings of the NEO and to perform such other duties and functions as will serve the interests of the NEO and of the University.  The Executive Council shall normally meet at least three times each academic year to plan the general meetings of the NEO, to review any special projects that have been proposed, planned or currently underway, and to conduct any other business that seems appropriate.


VII. Nominations and Elections

The President shall appoint a Nominations Committee comprised of five (5) members, three of whom shall be from the general membership and two of whom shall be continuing members of the Executive Council. The President shall designate one of the Committee members to serve as Chair of the Committee. The election of officers and members of the Executive Council, as necessary, shall take place in the spring.  At the spring meeting, that will take place no later than June 7, whether the meeting is in person or virtual or a combination of in person and virtual, the Nominating Committee shall report its slate and invite additional nominations from the floor or from those attending virtually. During the following 14 days, NEO members may vote online. Election results are announced shortly thereafter by the outgoing president or by the chair of the Nominating Committee. The terms of officers and Executive Council members shall begin July 1.


VIII. Meetings

There shall be at least two general meetings of the NEO held each academic year with, preferably, one in the fall and one in the spring. The meetings can be held in person, virtual or a combination of in person and virtual. The date of each meeting, the time and location, and the program are to be established by the Executive Council, and the membership will be notified by e-mail or by US mail.  The Executive Council may require a modest additional fee for notification by US mail.


IX. Membership Fees (dues)

Nominal membership dues may be determined from time to time by the Executive Council to cover expenses of the NEO not covered by the Office of the Provost.


X. Amendments

This Charter may be amended provided (1) that each proposed amendment shall have been first submitted to the Executive Council, (2) that the Council shall have judged the proposal to be of merit, (3) that NEO members shall have been notified (in writing in the call to a meeting) that one or more amendments are to be considered, and (4) that the proposed amendments are approved by two-thirds of those members voting online within 14 days following the meeting.  The notification shall include the current version of the Charter as well as the proposed changes.


XI. Records

The files of the NEO, including minutes of meetings, address lists, and other relevant information having to do with the NEO or its members, shall be maintained by the Secretary and appropriate copies retained in University Archives.

Note: This Charter was adopted by the Northwestern Emeriti Organization on November 13, 2001, and subsequently amended on February 2, 2005, May 3, 2017,  February 5, 2019,  March 11, 2020, December 1, 2021, February 14, 2022, April 11, 2022,  June 30, 2023 and June 19, 2024.