Officers & Executive Council
As specified in its Charter, the NEO’s administrative functions are discharged by an elected President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The NEO is governed by an Executive Council consisting of the four administrative officers, the immediate past President, and six other council members elected to staggered two-year terms. Scheduled meetings can be found in the Calendar of Events.

Kathy Rundell, President

Barbara Deal, VP and Pres-Elect

Donna Jurdy, Secretary

Mary Dedinsky, Treasurer

Steve Carr, Immediate Past-Pres; Editor

Robert Gundlach, Councilor

Phyllis Lassner, Councilor

Babette S. Sanders, Councilor

Steve Sawyer, Councilor

Joe Schofer, Councilor

Victor Yampolsky, Councilor

Rick Cohn, Faculty Senate Representative

Celina Flowers, Provost’s Office Representative

Executive Council Meetings
The Executive Council meets monthly, generally the 4th Wednesday of the month at 1pm CDT/CST. Council members can attend in person or virtually.